Collar is inspired by the people who keep the world running, who work 14-hour days for up to seven days a week, the blue-collar men and women who do dirty yet essential jobs. Through working at a blue-collar bar, I had direct contact with my target audience for feedback on name, design, and colours, to make sure they found it appealing. After much collaboration, the three decided names are Farmhand Bourbon, Roughtnech Rye, and Rigpig Whiskey.



Roughnecks and roustabouts are the backbone of the oilfield, performing the essential tasks that keep oil rigs running. They are responsible for a variety of tasks, including setting up and tearing down rigs, operating heavy machinery, and welding.



A very physically demanding job, Farmhands are expected to be hands-on at all times, often starting work early in the morning. They must be keen problem-solvers, able to think on their feet, good communicators and enjoy working in an outdoor environment


Someone who works on the rigs. Rig pigs follow the drills from town to town. They often work 7-14 days straight. They are constantly away from home and often work 10-12 hour days.